South Carolina Legislature

Comptroller General's Office

Subcommittee: Executive

Subcommittee Chair: Gary E. Clary

Subcommittee Members: Hon. Robert Q. Williams, Hon. Weston Newton, Hon. Laurie Slade Funderburk

Agency Website:

Agency Head: Richard A. Eckstrom

Study Contact: Eddie Gunn
Contact Email: [email protected]

Intended Public Benefits of Agency's Strategic Plan

Below are links, by year, to Excel documents that include the agency's strategic plan and intended public benefit of the goals and objectives in the plan. Also included are the intended public benefits for the agency's current strategic plan. This information was provided by the agency in its Annual Restructuring Report, Program Evaluation, Request for Information, or Accountability Report.

In the Annual Restructuring Report, the agency was asked to provide information about the outcome or intended public benefit of each agency goal and objective. This is the public benefit provided, or harm prevented, by accomplishment of the objective and goal.

Current Intended Public Benefits (2015-16)

  • Accountable, efficient, timely operation of the agency's Statewide Payroll/Accounts Payable Division (program area) (Goal 1)
  • Prompt, efficient accounts payables operation for the state, its vendors and agencies (Strategy 1.1, Objective 1.1.1)
  • Compliance with Internal Revenue Service requirements and expeditious provision of required tax filing information to approximately 9,000 vendors (Strategy 1.2, Objective 1.2.1)
  • Compliance with state statutory and regulatory requirements for approximately 45,000 state employees (Strategy 1.3, Objective 1.3.1)
  • Assist state employees and vendors by processing these employee-requested or court-mandated transactions (Objective 1.3.2)
  • Compliance with Internal Revenue Service requirements and expeditious provision of required tax filing information to approximately 50,000 current or former state employees (Strategy 1.4, Objective 1.4.1)
  • Accurate and efficient use of SCEIS by agencies (Strategy 1.5, Objective 1.5.1)
  • Accountable, efficient, timely operation of the agency's Statewide Financial Reporting Division (program area) (Goal 2)
  • Compliance with federal and state requirements (Strategy 2.1)
  • Provision of timely, accurate state financial information to the General Assembly, bond rating agencies, investors in state bonds, citizens and other stakeholders (Objective 2.1.1)
  • Recognition of the State's CAFR as an exemplary financial report (Objective 2.1.2)
  • Acceleration of CAFR production (Strategy 2.2)
  • Extraction of financial information in a more efficient and timely process (Objective 2.2.1)
  • Accountable, efficient, timely operation of the agency's Statewide Accounting Division (program area) (Goal 3)
  • Compliance with state statutory, regulatory and budget requirements and accurate operation of the state accounting system(s) (Strategy 3.1)
  • Greater efficiency in operating the state accounting system (Objective 3.1.1, 3.1.2)
  • Accurate, consistent data in both the State's current and legacy accounting programs (Objective 3.1.3)
  • Provides BEA greater confidence in monthly revenues being recorded by state agencies and used to forecast revenues for the legislative budget process (Objective 3.1.4)
  • Increase the quality of accounting functions in state government (Strategy 3.2)
  • Provides a better trained workforce (Objective 3.2.1)
  • Protects state employees in event of lost employment (Strategy 3.3 and Objective 3.3.1)
  • Accountable, efficient, timely provision of the agency's Other Services (program area) (Goal 4)
  • Compliance with state law and provision of public information in a timely manner (Strategy 4.1)
  • Provision of timely public information produces customer satisfaction and increases trust in government (Objective 4.1.1)
  • Make more public information readily available online that is useful and user-friendly for the General Assembly, citizens, the media, and any other stakeholder (Strategy 4.2, Objective 4.2.1, 4.2.2)
  • Increased scrutiny serves as a potential deterrent to unnecessary publicly-funded travel (Strategy 4.3, Objective 4.3.1, 4.3.2)
  • P-Card usage reduces the State's cost of processing small purchases and earns rebate revenue for the state General Fund and for qualifying agencies (Strategy 4.4)
  • P-Card program promotes efficiency and provides revenue to state government (Objective 4.4.1)
  • Encouraging scrutiny of spending by posting P-Card spending details online serves as potential deterrent to improper or unnecessary use (Objective 4.4.2)
  • Accountable, efficient, timely operation of the agency's Administration Division (program area) (Goal 5)
  • Assuring appropriate return on investment for services performed (Strategy 5.1, Objective 5.1.1)
  • Compliance with state laws and regulations and with directives from General Assembly (Strategy 5.2)
  • Compliance with state laws and directives from General Assembly and provision of assistance in budget process (Objective 5.2.1, 5.2.2)
  • Compliance with state laws and regulations (Objective 5.2.3, 5.2.4)
  • Elimination of unnecessary duplication of effort throughout state government caused by having to continue maintaining and operating both the outdated former accounting system (STARS) and our modern comprehensive statewide system (SCEIS) (Strategy 5.3)
  • Enhancement in efficiency by eliminating unnecessary duplication of effort required by having to continue maintaining both the old accounting system (STARS) and the new comprehensive STARS and SCEIS (Objective 5.3.1)
  • Compliance with state statutory and regulatory cybersecurity requirements, enhancing the protection of personally identifiable information and other sensitive information and reducing the State's and the agency's exposure to potential breaches of such information (Strategy 5.4, Objective 5.4.1, 5.4.2)
  • Enhancement of government effectiveness through collaborative efforts with other agencies and state officials (Strategy 5.5, Objective 5.5.1)

Legislative Services Agency
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